this is the performance realized by the Vancouver Chamber Choir; director Jon Washburn; CD available
the Milagros de Navidad collection of 9 songs comes with several instrumentation options
This song is sung in Quechua, one of the
surviving indigenous languages of South
America, as well as in English and Spanish.
Navidava puri nihua
Hua hua noka kusichu namy
Belenarusa ranani.
Jicha katustanakampy
Belenarusa ranani.
Christmas is here with love and light,
sing with joy,
To be at play with shepherd boys.
This lite child with face so bright,
Come and adore with heart and voice.
This little child with face so bright,
Come and adore with heart and voice.
La navidad ha llegado
Hijos nos alegraremos
Porque al Niño Jesús le va
A gustar jugar con sus hijos
Vamos a adorarlo, vamos
Vamos a adorarlo, vamos
Vamos a adorarlo, vamos hijos, vamos.
Regular Hard Copy Print or Digital Format (PDF) – learn more
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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo
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1) A la media noche (At the Hour of Midnight) – CP 2111 – duration 2:40