music for the church choir

All Things Bright and Beautiful
by Ian W. Bevell
SATB with piano or organ – KH 001 – duration 3:00
All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small.
All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.
As for Me and My House
by Larry Nickel
SATB with piano – CP 1690 – 4:00
Gospel – in the style of Andrea Crouch and the Disciples! From the book of Joshua.
As for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord
every day – every hour
by His grace and through His power.
Working with joy,
working with gladness,
we will serve the Lord.
Behold the Lamb (from the Easter Oratorio)
by Larry Nickel (from the Easter Oratorio)
SATB – with piano – CP 1670 – duration 4:15
SATB – a cappella – CP 2041
Like a sheep led to the slaughter,
my Saviour was taken away.
Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world.
Come Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs
SATB with piano or organ – KH 024 – duration 2:30
Winnagene has created a powerful anthem in canon form that really soars with joy!
Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne;
Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one!
Come Unto Me
SATB with piano and violin – LN 1975 – duration 2:55
Larry wrote this anthem in 1973, inspired by Bach’s Prelude in C. Little did his imagine that the song would still be sung many years later. In Matthew 11 – Christ invites us to rest from the stresses of life. The violin part works well with flute, clarinet or oboe.
Come Unto Me
Come Unto Me and I will give you rest. These reassuring words from the book of Matthew are set to music so beautifully by Brian. Long linear lines over a pseudo-jazzy chord progression really convey the timeless message.
Come Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs
by Winnagene Hatch
SATB with piano or organ – KH 024 – duration 2:30
Winnagene has created a powerful anthem in canon form that really soars with joy!
Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne;
Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one!
Farewell Blessing
by Erin Craig and Matthew McGuigan
SATB a cappella – CP 1855 – duration 2:00
SAB a cappella – CP 2155
Simple, beautiful, effective – the perfect ending to any event – concert or service.
For the Beauty of the Earth
by Ian W. Bevell
SATB with organ or piano – KH 031 – duration 3:15
Pierpoint was 29 when he wrote this poem; he was mesmerized by the beauty of the countryside that surrounded him. Ian has created an anthem to the text in antiphonal style – approachable and deeply meaningful with undulating arpeggios in the keyboard accompaniment.
Good Friday
SAB with piano or organ – CP 1904 – duration 3:35
Cypress is gradually building an Easter collection. Christ’s resurrection is the pivotal event of all history. His sacrifice on the cross – redemption for all humankind. It’s not easy to sing about the gruesome death. Gordon’s sensitive composition is approachable for any choir.
House of God
by George Roberts
SAB with piano – – CP 1014 – 3:15
A 2-part anthem with descant, suitable for even the smallest church choir. Reverent in tone with a simple but direct text. Piano (or organ) accompaniment of easy to moderate difficulty.
Huron Carol
SAB with piano or band – CP 1057 – duration 3:50
TTBB with piano or band – CP 1058
A beautiful arrangement of a favorite Canadian carol, this can be done with piano or a Celtic band, and parts for penny-whistle (flute), violin, guitar, and bass are available.
Just As I Am
by Ian W. Bevell
SATB with piano – KH 058 – duration 3:38
Just as I am, without one plea,
But that thy blood was shed for me.
And that thou bidd’st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come.
Kyrie and To You I Lift My Voice
SATB a cappella – KH 107 – duration 3:00
Lord Have Mercy. Stephen’s Kyrie uses long lines with suspension and release moments to create a wonderful pleading in the choral sound. “To You I Lift My Voice” would make a fitting introit. Related in theme as earnest prayers, they can be sung one after the other – or separately. Each piece is approachable and very practical. Choirs will love them.
Lead Me, Lord
arr. Bryn Nixon
SATB a cappella – CP 1953 – duration 2:45
Using the first verse of this Wesley hymn, Nixon arranges the text so that, for each of the two sections, a soloist (supported by the choir underneath) sings out the text first, followed by a reiteration from the choir – with chords and movement slightly varied from the soloist’s section. A beautiful prayer.
Lead me forth., Lead me in thy righteousness.
Make Thy way plain before my face.
The Lord is My Light
SATB a cappella – CP 1171 – duration 2:10
Jane Best’s composition is a musical gem – suitable for any choir that enjoys singing in four part harmony. The uplifting message, sweet spot vocal registers and gentle swing rhythms will stir the listener. Church choirs will love it too!
Solo voice and guitar, harp or piano – CP 1271 – duration 4:00
A beautiful addition to the Henderson Christmas set – let the choir take a short break while they listen to the soloist.
Instrumental parts: (optional and not available through retailers) – $20 (full set sent via PDF files): vln1, vln2, viola, cello, bass, guitar
Make a Joyful Noise/Bwana
SATB with piano – KH 064 – duration 2:40
Psalm 100 has been set to music by many fine composers over the years. Mark’s rendition includes Swahili. Bwana asafiwe! (Praise the Lord) Exciting – approachable – this anthem really rings with happiness!
O Source of All
SATB with piano – CP 1203 – duration 3:05
People love the way Brian’s music can be thoughtful and deeply spiritual without being preachy. This gorgeous anthem is easily taught – easily assimilated – and would make an effective opener or closer to almost any concert.
O Taste and See
by Jeff Enns
SATB with organ or piano – KH 081 – duration 1:55
The text guides the music for Enns’ writing in this 4-part choral piece that could be used for introit to the service, for communion, or for All Saints Sunday. A very accessible and smartly-crafted piece for the church choir, using this text from Psalm 34.
O taste and see
how gracious the Lord is
The Peace of God
SATB a cappella – CP 1990 – duration 2:55
This a cappella setting of the familiar benediction from Philippians is easily accessible for choirs of all levels and sizes – it has been effectively performed by groups ranging from a solo quartet to choirs of over 100. It is a moving piece for a wedding, worship service, or concert. The setting is emotionally evocative, with lush harmonies, accessible counterpoint rewarding for each part, and a satisfying climax. Recent listeners commented: “by far one of the most beautiful pieces I’ve heard in a long time…” and “beautiful…brought tears to my eyes.”
The peace of God, that passes all understanding,
keep your hearts and minds
in the knowledge and love of God,
and of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord;
and the blessing of God Almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
be amongst you, and remain with you always.
Prayer of St. Francis
SAB with piano – KH 086 – duration 2:35
Lord make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Togni’s rendition of the famous prayer is in three part harmony and sweet-pot vocal registers. The lovely melody and flowing accompaniment provide the perfect marriage for the text.
Singing, God Gives Me a Melody
SATB with piano – CP 1574 – duration 3:15
This composition was first heard in coffeehouses, during the 1970’s. Harris created a real beauty – a song of praise – which is finally being offered to choirs so many years later.
Song Forever New
by Mark Sirett
SAB with piano – CP 2352 – duration 3:22
Written especially with smaller church choirs in mind, this easy sacred anthem for SAB voices is a joyous song of praise and thanksgiving. The accompaniment is appropriate for both piano or organ.
Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God,
In every part with praise,
That my whole being may proclaim
Thy being and Thy ways.
Not for the lip of praise alone,
Nor e’en the praising heart
I ask, but for a life made up
Of praise in every part!
Tantum Ergo - Alleluia
SSA, TBB, SAB a cappella – CP 1216 – duration 1:55
Two wonderful compositions for the price of one and any combination of voices can sound fantastic! Tantum ergo are the opening words of the last two verses of Pange Lingua, a Mediaeval Latin hymn written by St Thomas Aquinas.
Wondrous Story, The
by Henry Boon
SATB a cappella – CP 1576 – duration 2:25
A beautiful melody supported by sumptuous harmony and intuitive voice leading make this composition a quality option for your Christmas program