One small goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
Then came the cat
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
Then came the dog
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
Then came the stick
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
Then came the fire
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
The water came
and quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
Then came the ox
and drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
The butcher came
and killed the ox,
that drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
And then the Angel of Death came down
and killed the butcher,
that killed the ox,
that drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
Then came the Holy One, Blessed be He
and He did slay the Angel of Death,
that killed the butcher,
that killed the ox,
that drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
my Father bought for two zuzim,
One small goat
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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo