Won’t you bring back,
Won’t you bring back
Mrs. Murphy’s chowder?
It was tuneful,
Every spoonful
Made you yodel louder
After dinner Uncle Ben
Used to fill his fountain pen
From a bowl of
Mrs. Murphy’s chowder
It had ice cream, cold cream,
Benzine, gasoline
Soup beans, string beans,
Floating all around
Sponge cake, beef steak,
Mistake, stomach ache
Cream puffs, ear muffs,
Many to be found
Silk hats, door mats,
Bed slats, Democrats
Coco bells, door bells,
Beckon you to dine
Meat balls, fish balls,
Moth balls, cannon balls
Come on in, the chowder’s fine!
Won’t you bring back,
It had ice cream, cold cream,
Benzine, gasoline
Soup beans, string beans,
Floating all around
Sponge cake, beef steak,
Mistake, stomach ache
Cream puffs, ear muffs,
Many to be found
Silk hats, door mats,
Bed slats, Democrats
Coco bells, door bells,
Beckon you to dine
Meat balls, fish balls,
Moth balls, cannon balls
Come on in, the chowder’s fine!
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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo