Listen to the choral premiere – video below – Jubilate Vocal Ensemble
This new Christmas composition sings itself! Intuitive voice leading helps choirs to get past the notes into the nuances of the text and lovely harmonies.
Stan wrote a beautiful instrumental feature for a solo instrument with piano (oboe, flute, clarinet or violin).

When You came to this world
Mary looked on your face
and beheld God on earth with us
Then You smiled and the angels in heaven
rejoiced with a song
for the Saviour was born

Singing “Glory to God in the highest”
Immanuel, we are free at last
Lord Jesus, come into our hearts

Shepherds hurried to worship the Babe in the stall
a lullaby soft on the breeze
Bringing gold and incense and myrrh to the King
the Magi fell down on their knees

What a Holy night, when the Saviour was born
Immanuel, we are free at last.
Lord Jesus, come into our hearts

Dear Lord Jesus, we love You
for You loved us first
Help us to love one another
We adore you and offer our lives before You
Praising Your name forever.

Holy Son of God, Holy Savior divine.
Immanuel, we are free at last.
Lord Jesus, come into our hearts




SATB – with piano – CP 1387

$3.25Add to cart

SATB – with piano – PDF – CP 1387

$2.95Add to cart

Instrumental part available upon request (gratis)
concerned about the minimum order of 12 copies? no worries – please click here

Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs –  here is a demo

Rehearsal Tracks  –  Immanuel

$30.00Add to cart