by Allison Lupton – arranged by Tom Leighton
this simulation will be replaced by genuine voices soon
please enjoy the performance with brass below
Stars shine to guide my way, on the Eve of Christmas Day.
In from the cold this night, to a table warm with light.
It’s a time of peace, a time of joy, a time of celebration
Yet my heart is low, for one I know, far from us here.
So join your voices with me, and sing to sweet memories.
Sing to friendships true, loves we knew and the blessings of the year.
Welcome to one and all. Glad reunions ring through the hall.
Held at the fireside by the beauty of this Yuletide.
It’s a time of peace, a time of joy, a time of celebration
Yet my heart is low, for one I know, far from us here.
So join your voices with me, and sing to sweet memories
Sing to friendships true loves we knew and the blessings of the yea.r
Pine branches scent the air. Stories and songs we share.
Children around the tree marvel at the mystery.
And I wish you peace, I wish you joy, I wish you celebrations.
May your heart be light, this winter night
With laughter, love and cheer.
So join your voices with me, and sing to sweet memories.
Sing to friendships true, loves we knew and the blessings of the year
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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo