featuring the Cypress Studio Singers
enjoy the video below
There will never be another time like this,
There will never be another one like you.
You came into my life and touched my heart;
I can’t imagine the day that we might part.
There will never be another time like this,
There will never be another one like you.
You came into my life and touched my heart;
I can’t imagine the day that we might part!
There will never be another you.
You are the song that sings to me,
You are the light that lets me see
There is a hope for a brighter day,
And love will show the way.
There will never be another time like this,
There will never be another one like you.
You came into my life and touched my heart;
I can’t imagine the day that we might part!
There will never be another you.
You are the moon, you are the sun,
The stars when darkness has begun.
You are the new day’s dawn,
You are the only one!
There will never be another time like this,
There will never be another one like you.
You came into my life and touched my heart;
You touched my heart, you touched my heart,
You touched my heart, you touched my heart,
My heart, my heart.
There will never be another you.
There will never be another you.
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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo