Performed by/chanté par la Chorale Saint-Jean d’Edmonton; Directeur artistique Laurier Fagnan, dirigé par Marie-Josée Ouimet.
D’un océan à l’autre
Un matin, près du rivage,
Où le zéphyr s’est mis à chanter,
J’aperçus, venant du large,
— D’un océan à l’autre…
Et son parfum si ensorcelant.
Attiré par ses beaux mots,
Je m’approchai d’un pas calme et lent.
Je le pris entre mes mains,
Where the zephyr began to sing,
I saw, coming from the open sea,
A large bouquet full of golden lilies.
Washing up on this beach,
They sang a melody to me
Which seemed to be a message,
But unfortunately, I did not understand:
— Form an ocean to another…
This bouquet was so beautiful,
And its scent so bewitching.
Attracted by their beautiful words,
I approached with a calm and slow step.
I took it in my hands,
Letting the water run over my skin;
Its magic, like a chorus,
Made me fly like the birds.
— Form an ocean to another…
Moving away from the sea,
I turned towards the forests.
I saw their peaks dancing
Like the lilies in my bouquet.
To the meadows and the countryside,
With the songs of the northern winds,
I was guided to the mountains
Where the mantra was still singing:
— Form an ocean to another…
Leaving the high peaks,
Where my journey soon ended,
I went where I was called
By the song of the waves of salty taste.
This bouquet, I put it back
In this warm water of a summer evening;
And when it told me “thank you”,
I understood where it wanted to go:
— Form an ocean to another…
concerned about the minimum order of 12 copies? no worries – please click here
Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo