Sweet little baby
Sleep O my little one
Hush little baby
it’s Christmas morn
Mother so lovely
Sings “Lullaby baby”
The Angel of Glory
Sings “Jesus is born”
No-ël, No-ël
Le Sauv-eur nous est né
Ten-dre, dans sa crèche
Comme il est doux
E-ya Glo-ri-a
Pe-tit ber-çeaux
Je-sus char-mant
Nais-sant pour nous
Sweet lit-tle ba-by
Sleep O my lit-tle one
Hush lit-tle ba-by
Si-lent we pray
Hark, the bells ring-ing
The joy and the glo-ry
That Je-sus our Sav-iour
Is born on this day
No-ël, No-ël
Le Sauv-eur nous est né
Ten-dre, dans sa crèche
Comme il est doux
E-ya Glo-ri-a
Pe-tit ber-çeaux
Je-sus char-mant
Nais-sant pour nous
Hush lit-tle ba-by
Sleep O my lit-tle one
Sweet lit-tle ba-by
An-gels did say
Born in a man-ger
The star shi-ning brigh-tly
Come all to a-dore him
For it’s Christ-mas day
concerned about the minimum order of 12 copies? no worries – please click here
Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo