featuring the Winnipeg Singers; directed by Yuri Klaz
Blessed Be
Blessed be the one
the one who acts with justice and with love.
Blessed be the one
Blessed be the one who comes in God’s name.
Blessed be the one who acts justly.
Blessed be the one who loves mercy.
Blessed be the one who walks humbly with the Creator.
Blessed are they who walk humbly with the Creator.
Blessed are they who seek justice and wisdom,
and in humility raise up others before themselves.
Blessed are we. What we know.
Through humility is gained wisdom, for humility comes before honour,
In humility, others are raised up before one’s self,
In humility, others and brothers and sisters are raised up as well.
True humility raises up others, raises up all, raises us all, all of us.
Blessed be the one who acts with justice, and with love.
Psalm 106, Micah 6:8, additional lyrics by Neil Weisensel
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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo