featuring the UBC Chorale and Symphony; director Bruce Pullen; soloist – Steven Maddock
watch the video below (chamber orchestra version)
featuring the Kiev Symphony Chorus directed by Viktoriia Konchakovska on Feb 20, 2020 (Chamber Orchestra version)
watch the video below
Hiroshima lacrimosa
a-no seng-kou ga
wa-su-re e yo-ka
shun-ji-ni gai-tou no san-man wa ki-e
ch-chi o kaese
ha-ha o kaese
toshi-yori o kaese
kodomo o kaese
watashi o kaese
watashi ni tsunagaru nin-gen o kaese
ningen no ningen no yo no alu kagili
kuzurenu heiwa o
heiwa o kaese
Dies Irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla
Lacrimosa dies illa
Lacrimosa, Hiroshima
Tears for Hiroshima (Japanese and Latin)
That flash of light!
How could I ever forget!
In a moment, thirty thousand people vanished!
Bring back the fathers
Bring back the mothers
Bring back the elderly
Bring back the children
Bring me back
Bring back the human beings I once knew
For as long as there are human beings,
a world of human beings,
bring back peace, unbroken peace.
The day of wrath
shall consume the world in ashes
That day is one of weeping
Tears for Hiroshima.
Toge Sankichi (1917-53)

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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo