Bêtise de la guerre - mvt 8 - REQUIEM FOR PEACE

Home 9 Composers 9 Larry Nickel 9 BÊTISE DE LA GUERRE

featuring the UBC chorus and symphony; director – Bruce Pullen

featuring the Kiev Symphony Chorus directed by Viktoriia Konchakovska on Feb 20, 2020
watch the video below

Bêtise de la Guerre 
(Victor Hugo)

Ouvrière sans yeux, Pénélope imbécile,
Berceuse du chaos où le néant oscille,
Guerre, ô guerre occupée au choc des escadrons,
Toute pleine du bruit furieux des clairons,

Ô buveuse de sang, qui, farouche, flétrie,
Hideuse, entraîne l’homme en cette ivrognerie,
(Nuée où le destin se déforme, où Dieu fuit,
Où flotte une clarté plus noire que la nuit, )

Folle immense, de vent et de foudres armée,
A quoi sers-tu, géante, à quoi sers-tu, fumée,
Si tes écroulements reconstruisent le mal,
Si pour le bestial tu chasses l’animal,

Si tu ne sais, dans l’ombre où ton hasard se vautre,
Défaire un empereur que pour en faire un autre?


translation to English

The Stupidity of War

Servant without eyes, childish Penelope,
where newborn Chaos rocks,
War, oh war, who busies herself with the clash of troops,
Filled with the furious blasts of trumpets,

Oh drinker of blood, who – fierce, shriveled,
hideous -drags man along in her drunkenness;
(Hidden where fate is disfigured, where God flees
Or where reasoning hovers, darker than the night)

Gigantic folly, armed with wind and lightning,
What use are you, Monster?  What use are you, Smoky One?
What if your destruction reconstructs evil,
What if in your blood lust, you seek the animal in us all

What if you don’t know, within the shadows where
your opportunity grovels,
How to bring down an emperor without creating another?




Regular Hard Copy Print or Digital Format (PDF) learn more

SATB with piano – RFP 008

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SATB with piano – PDF – RFP 008 PDF

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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo

Rehearsal Tracks – Bêtise de la Guerre

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Jump directly to a title

1) Fratres in unum – (Latin)
2) Requiem aeternum – (Latin)
3) Long Black Arm – (English)
4) Bugles Sang – (English)
5) Ahni Shalom – (Hebrew)
6) Bahni Adam – (Farsi and Arabic)
7) Kyrie eleison – (Greek and Latin)
8) Bêtise de la guerre – (French)
9) Bing Che Xing – (Mandarin)
11) Hiroshima Lacrimosa – (Japanese)
12) Håll Facklan Högt – (Swedish)
13) Dulce et Decorum  (Latin and English)
14) Kinderen van de Vrede – (Dutch and German)
15) Reconciliation – (English)
16) Agnus Dei – (Latin)