featuring the Cypress Studio Singers
featuring the Cypress Studio Singers
Upbeat, fun and approachable – spinning off the names of rivers in Canada: White, Moose, Red, Bear, Yukon, Old Man, Fraser, etc. Water is our most precious commodity in many ways.
All the little rivers of Canada that run to the Hudson’s Bay;
they beckon me to follow them to places so far away,
All the little rivers of Canada that run to the Hudson’s Bay.
All the little rivers of Canada that flow to the Fundy foam;
they beckon me to follow them to places so far from home,
All the little rivers of Canada that flow to the Fundy foam.
Hey, and away we ride
Through the rapids, far and wide.
Little river, carry me
over this land so strong and free!
White, Moose, Red, Bear,
Yukon, Old Man, Fraser,
Ottawa, McKenzie,
Coppermine, Winnipeg, Porcupine,
Saskatchewan, Columbia,
Assiniboine, Niagara,
Abitibi, Missinaibi, Madawaska,
All the little rivers of Canada that run to the Arctic sea:
Portaging through the wilderness, that’s where I would like to be.
All the little rivers of Canada that run to the Arctic sea.
All the little rivers of Canada that flow to the western shore;
come crashing down the mountain-side with primal thunder, loud roar.
All the little rivers of Canada that flow to the western shore.
My life is like a river
with many long miles to go;
reflecting in the sunlight
or sleeping under snow.
but who can see tomorrow?
what lies around the bend?
One day my little river will wind to an end.
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bass and guitar parts available – free upon request
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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo