It was in Punjabi Market that first he caught my eye
the fairest prince I e’er had seen –
I went to stand closer by
To buy myself some silken thread I had gone that day
Oh how could I know I would meet him there?
That luck would run my way”
All in Punjabi Market – on that fine summer’s day
I went to pay him eagerly, for to buy my silken thread
and when I complimented his wares,
he smiled, and to me he said
“I have not seen you here before, perhaps I see you again”?
I answered only with a smile, and then went on my way
All in Punjabi Market – on that fine summer’s day
I tried very hard to restrain myself
from frequenting that silk cloth store
but, try as I might, the very next day I went to buy some more.
I tried to pretend as if I’d gone to buy some trim and stays
but the buyin’ of trim did not fool him and this time he bade me stay!
All in Punjabi Market – on that fine summer’s day
I went back and back and back again all the summer long
and by the turning of the leaves our love had grown so strong
‘Til in a day in the autumn cool
and I am sure you can guess
that of the finest and fairest of silk
I made my wedding dress
All in Punjabi Market
I made my wedding dress
concerned about the minimum order of 12 copies? no worries – please click here
Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs – here is a demo