No More Fear of Dying
We Want to Know Christ – listen here
Phillipians 3:10; Romans 8:11
We want to know Christ
and the power of His Resurrection
We want to know Christ
and the power of His Love
If that power be in you
it shall quicken your mortal bodies
If that power be in you
you shall have eternal life
We want to know Christ
and the power of His Resurrection
We want to know Christ
and the power of His Love
(a week before Easter)
Jesus – on His way to Jerusalem, stops in Bethany at the house of Simon, the Leper.
What is That Lovely Fragrance?
Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 12:13
What is that lovely fragrance pervading the atmosphere?
Behold the One anointed
The presence of the Lord is here
Mary approached the table with an alabaster jar in her hand
Removing the ornate cover, she anointed the Son of Man
The balm is cool, the ointment sweet
to soothe the pain in Your head and feet
The road before You is long
Take courage, Lord, be strong
Judas rebuked her harshly, “Such costly perfume to waste.
Over a year in wages you’ve needlessly thrown away.”
“Why do you mock this woman? She’s done a beautiful deed.
This gentle act of kindness has meant very much to Me.”
The balm is cool, the ointment sweet
to soothe the pain in Your head and feet
The road before You is long
Take courage, Lord, be strong
What is that lovely fragrance pervading the atmosphere?
Behold the One anointed
The presence of the Lord is here
Jesus spends the day with His friends
Jesus begins His fateful journey to Jerusalem. Riding on a donkey, He approaches the city
where He is greeted by the masses with tremendous enthusiasm and is hailed as a prophet.
Hosanna – listen here
Zechariah 4:9; Psalm 118:26; Matthew 21:5-9;
Mark 11:9; Luke 19:40
Rejoice greatly, O, daughter of Zion
Shout, people of Jerusalem
Behold, King Jesus is coming to meet you
With righteousness and bringing salvation
Hosanna, Hosanna
Blessed is He
who comes in the name of the Lord
Hosanna, Hosanna
Rejoice greatly, O, daughter of Zion
If we keep silent the stones will cry out
Behold, King Jesus is coming to meet you
With righteousness and bringing salvation
Hosanna, Hosanna
John 1:10,11; Luke 19:41-44; Psalm 118:22-25
Jesus looked out over the city
Jesus looked out over the city
The day of God’s Messiah,
the day of Victory
Your prophesied Redeemer
has come to set you free
Lift up your head, O, Zion
and open up your eyes
The long awaited Savior
you fail to recognize
He came unto His own
His own received Him not
Jesus returns to the Temple and finds the court of the Gentiles buzzing with commerce.
Jesus Drove the Merchants From the Temple
Matthew 21:12; John 2:12-22; I Corinthians 6:19
Jesus drove the merchants from the Temple
the Wrath of God is awesome to behold
He drove the merchants from the Temple
and He can drive all evil from my soul
My soul was made a sanctuary
where the Holy Spirit comes to dwell
Jesus drove corruption from the temple
and He can purge the sin in me as well
He over turned the money table
animals went running
sacrificial doves flew through the air
“Why have you made this a den of thieves?
My House is a House of Prayer!
Get out! Get out of here!
Leave! Now! and take your money with you!
How dare you desecrate the Temple!
My Father House will be a House of Prayer!”
The Pharisees were most indignant
“What gives you the right?
Why should people do as you say?”
“If you destroy this Holy Temple,
tear it to the ground,
I will build it up again in three days.”
Jesus drove the merchants from the Temple
the Wrath of God is awesome to behold
He drove the merchants from the Temple
and He can drive all evil from my soul
Blood Money
Then Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, went to the chief priest to betray Jesus to them.
Matthew 26:14; Mark 14:10; Luke 22:3
“What are you willing to give me
if I turn Him over to you?
What do you promise to pay me
if I turn Jesus over to you?”
Blood money
“We are delighted with your treachery!
but could you tell us one small thing?
Devoted follower for three long years,
what happened? we heard He was your King.”
“Stop asking so many questions
I’m not in a very good mood
Now, what do you promise to pay me
if I turn Jesus over to you?”
Blood money
“You’ll be remembered throughout history
It seems you’ve made a painful choice
and to reward you for such bravery
we’ll give you thirty silver coins.”
“Thirty pieces of silver
is that really the best you can do?
Thirty pieces of silver
if I turn Jesus over,
my friend and my brother,
my Lord and my Master,
I turn Jesus over…
to you.”
Jesus spends the day teaching in the Temple and on the Mnt. of Olives.
The Gospels do not record the activities of this day.
Jesus meets together with His disciples to celebrate the Passover meal with them.
Come to the Upper Room – listen here
Matthew 26:26-31; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19-29
Come to the Upper Room
be seated at the table
Jesus Himself is our Host
Taking the bread, he offers a prayer
“This is My Body, broken for you
Do this is remembrance of Me
For one bright day in God’s own House
we’ll dine together again.”
His Body, broken for me
My sin may be forgiven
Grace and Love flow freely down
O, Lord, have mercy on me.
Come to the Upper Room
be seated at the table
Jesus Himself is our Host
Taking the cup, he offers a prayer
“This is My Blood, poured out for you
Do this is remembrance of Me
For one bright day in God’s own House
we’ll dine together again.”
His Blood, poured out for me
My sin may be forgiven
Grace and Love flow freely down
O, Lord, have mercy on me.
I Am Not Worthy, Lord
John 13:4-17
“I am not worthy, Lord
How can this be?
You wash my feet
I should be washing Yours
Lord, I am not worthy.”
You created the universe
Almighty God yet servant of all
Man of humility
Lord, I am not worthy
“Unless, I wash your feet
you can have no part with me.
Unless I make you clean
you can have no part with me.”
“If that is true, my Lord
not just my feet
not just my hands
wash my whole body too
Lord, I am not worthy
Lord, I am not worthy
Lord, I am not worthy of Your Love.”
Before the Rooster Crows
Then Jesus,told them, “This very night, you will all fall away on account of Me …
Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of You, I never will.” (Matt. 26:31)
Matthew 26:31; John 13:33; Luke 22:33,34
“Before the rooster crows tonight
You will deny that you know me,
three times”
This can’t be true, my lord
I would follow you to the ends of the earth
If all fall away I will not abandon You
“Before the rooster crows tonight
You will deny that you know me,
three times”
How can You talk this way
I would follow You to prison or death
If all fall away I will not abandon You
Knowing that the time of His death was drawing near,
Jesus retreats to the garden of Gethsemane to find strength in prayer.
Matthew 26: 36-38; John 17:20
The sky put on a black robe
A soul was filled with sorrow
Among the knotted olives
that twisted to the sky
the Savior knelt in anguish
alone, afraid to die
The evil one lurched over the garden
The Seraphim fell silent
Through prayer of pain and turmoil
the final choice was made
The Son of Man stared grimly
into the mouth of His own grave
Twelve Thousand Angels
Judas arrives in the garden, accompanied by a large crowd armed with swords and clubs,
sent by the chief priests and the elders of the people.
Matthew 26:14; Mark 14:10; Luke 22:3
Roman soldiers
led by a snake with flaming torches in the night
Judas Iscariot,
how does it feel to be a traitor to the Light?
He could have commanded twelve thousand angels to come to His defense
They had no idea that they were dealing with Almighty God
Blood Money
“See, the mob is upon us
Your time for slumber is through
This is the hour of darkness
so do what you’ve come to do”
Blood Money
They did not recognize the Son of God
They did not know that He was Lord
They did not realize this Gentle Man
could destroy them with just one single Word
Judas Iscariot,
must you betray your dear companion with a kiss?
Simon Peter
All those who draw the sword will die by the sword.
All the heavens and all the galaxies declare Your Glory, O, Lord
How could you endure such indignity at the hands of those You had created?
He could have commanded twelve thousand angels to come to His defense
They had no idea that they were dealing with Almighty God
Behold, the Lamb – listen here
Isaiah 53:7,8; Matthew 26:63-67; Acts 8:32
My dear Lord was oppressed and afflicted,
yet quietly held His breath;
Like a sheep before the shearer is silent;
Like a lamb, He was led to his death.
Through the night Jesus stood at His trial;
they bound Him and covered His eyes.
Then they struck Him and mocked Him
and spat in His face;
“Who hit You? God ahead, prophesy!”
Like a sheep led to the slaughter,
My Savior was taken away.
Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world.
The Sanhedrin had searched for a reason,
and finally found a way.
They said, “Tell us, are You the Messiah?”
Jesus answered, “It is as you say”.
Like a sheep led to the slaughter,
My Savior was taken away.
Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world.
My dear Lord was despised and rejected,
familiar with sorrow and grief;
He was beaten for our transgressions;
He was wounded for our iniquity.
Behold the Lamb!
The Denial
Matthew 26:69-75; Luke 22:55-62; John 18:13, 25
“You, sir, were with Jesus;
Aren’t you one of His disciples?
What are you doing out here by the fire?
Shouldn’t you be by His side?”
“What are you talking about?
I’ve got nothing to hide.
I’ve never met the man!”
“I think this fellow was with Jesus.
Yes, he was there in the garden.
I saw him pull out his sword
And injure a temple guard.
I think he cut off his ear.
This is a follower of Jesus,
And now he cowers in fear;
We’re listening.
Now what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Who me, are you talking to me?
You’ve got the wrong man,
You’ve got the wrong person.
Not me, no it couldn’t be me;
I really don’t appreciate the accusation,
Go away, go away!
I’ve never, met the man,
So be quiet!”
“There he is!
That’s him.
There’s that disciple of Jesus, the Nazarene.
Does anything good ever come from the desolate place?
You may as well admit it.
You’re accent gives you away”.
“We’re listening, so what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Who me, are you talking to me?
You’ve got the wrong man,
You’ve got the wrong person.
Not me, no it couldn’t be me!
I really don’t appreciate the accusation,
Go away, go away!
“If you know Jesus, why don’t you say so?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“If you know Jesus, why don’t you say so?”
“I’ve never met the man.”
“If you know Jesus, why don’t you say so?”
The rooster crows three times
Matthew 27:17-26; Luke 15:11-14; John 18:6-40
Crucifixus, etiam pro nobis;
Sub Pontio Pilato.
(crucified for us under Pontius Pilate)
“I have examined this man before me
and I find no reason to condemn Him.
You ruler, Herod, has sent Him back to us.
It is my custom, on this occasion,
to release one prisoner to you.
Which, of these two, shall I release to you?”
“Barrabas, Barrabas!”
“What shall I do then, with this man Jesus,
for I find no basis for your charges?
I would prefer to free your “King of the Jews.”
“Away with this man! Release unto us, Barrabas.”
“Why, what crime has He committed?
So He calls himself the Son of God.
Perhaps your envy and wrath will be remitted
If I send Him our and have Him flogged.”
All the heavens and all the galaxies
Proclaim Your glory, O Lord!
How could You endure such indignity
At the hand of those You had created?
You could have commanded twelve thousand angels
To come you Your defense.
They had no idea that they were dealing with Almighty God.
“I’ve had this Jesus severely beaten.
Yet I find no basis for your charges.
What shall I do? Have you not had enough?”
“Crucify, crucify, crucify!”
“I wash my hands of this man’s blood.”
“May His blood be on us and on our children!”
“In all my days I’ve never seen such a blood thirsty crowd!”
“Crucify, crucify, crucify!”
“Shall I crucify your King?”
“We have no king but Caesar. Crucify!”
Wracked by Pain
Matthew 27:27-50; John 17-37; Psalm 22: 13-16
On the Via Dolorosa
A sad procession appears;
And when I see the reason for it,
I cannot hold back my tears.
Down the Via Dolorosa,
Way of Suffering.
Jesus bears a heavy burden,
A victim broken and torn;
His battered face reveals the agony
Beneath the crown of thorns.
Down the Via Dolorosa,
Way of Suffering.
Wracked by pain,
“Father in heaven, forgive.”
Wracked by pain,
“Why have You forsaken Me?”
“Roaring lions all around Me;
They pierce My hands and My feet.
They open wide their mouths against Me.
My task is nearly complete.”
On the mountain of Golgotha,”
(place of the skull)
Cross of Calvary.
“I am poured out like water,
My bones are pulled out of place.
My strength is dried up like a potsherd
(a pottery fragment)
My heart is melted away”.
On the mountain of Golgotha,
Cross of Calvary.
Wracked by pain,
“Father in heaven, forgive.”
Wracked by pain,
“Why have You forsaken Me?”
Surely, This Was the Son of God
At the sixth hour, darkness came over the whole land, until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour,
Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me? ….
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed His last ….
And when the centurian, who stood in front of Jesus heard his cry and saw how Jesus died, he said,
“Surely, this was the Son of God.” (Mark 15:33-39)
Mark 15:38,39; John 19:28-30
Crucifixus, etiam pro nobis,
Sub Pontio Pilato.
Surely, surely, surely!
This was the Son of God!
We all, Like Sheep, Have Gone Astray – listen here
Isaiah 53:6; 1:18
We all, like sheep, have gone astray
each of us has turned to his own way
and the Lord has laid on Him
the iniquity of us all
“Let us reason together”, says the Lord
“Though your sins be red like crimson,
they shall be as wool.”
“Let us reason together”, says the Lord
“Though your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow.”
All we like sheep have gone astray
each of us has turned to his own way
and the Lord has laid on Him
the iniquity of us all
SUNDAY – Easter Morning!
No More Fear of Dying – listen here
Phillipians 2
Jesus has arisen, joy and hope are given
Those who call upon His Name.
He shall be exalted through the endless ages;
Name above all other Names.
No more fear of dying – no more need to doubt.
Every one shall answer, every knee shall bow.
Jesus has ascended,
Not like He descended – in a low and humble way.
He has been victorious, lifted up and glorious
Now He holds His rightful place.
Jesus is returning, joy and hope are burning
In the true believers heart.
King of all creation, come with celebration,
May we never more depart!
No more fear of dying – no more need to doubt.
Every one shall answer, every knee shall bow.