Have you not known, have you not heard?
God is forever.
He does not faint or grow weary – 
He’s got the power.
His understanding is hard for us to know
but all those who seek Him
will see their wisdom grow.

I want to fly on the wings of an eagle – 
soar through the sky on my way into heaven.
I want to fly on the winds of an eagle –
wait on the Lord, He can give me the power.

Young men will faint and be weary
fall down exhausted,
but those who wait on the Lord
will stand up, undaunted.

Weak shall be strong
and the strong will be made weak.
So I can so all things
through Him who strengthens me.

adapted from Isaiah 40:28-31


SATB with piano – SCORE
SATB a cappella – SCORE
SATB a cappella with SHAPE NOTES – SCORE
SSAA with piano – SCORE


SATB with piano LN 1968

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SATB with piano – PDFLN 1968 PDF

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SATBcappella – LN 1968AC

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SATB a cappella – PDF LN 1968AC PDF

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SATBcappella with shape notesLN 1968SN

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SATB a cappella – PDF LN 1968SN PDF

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SSAA with piano – LN 1969

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SSAA with piano – PDF – LN 1969 PDF

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Cypress makes rehearsal tracks for choirs –  here is a demo

Rehearsal Tracks  –  I Want to Fly

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