Be Thou My Vision
by Jeff Enns
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
The Call
by Jeff Enns
SATB – a cappella KH 011 – duration 2:35
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life:
Such a way as gives us breath;
Such a truth as ends all strife;
Such a life as killeth death.
Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength:
Such a feast as mends in length;
Such a strength as makes his guest.
Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:
Such a joy as none can move;
Such a love as none can part;
Such a heart as joys in love.
Creator of the Stars of Night
by Jeff Enns
Creator of the stars of night, your people’s everlasting light
O Christ redeemer of us all we pray you hear us when we call.
Da Pacem
by Jeff Enns
A serene setting of the text, “Da pacem, Domine, in diebus nostris”. (Give us peace, Lord, in all our days) Da Pacem was presented at PODIUM 2010 by Elektra Women’s Choir.
Four Short Anthems
by Jeff Enns
1) I Will Extol You (Psalm 45)
2) A New Commandment (John 13:34-35)
3) God So Loved the World (John 3:16)
4) Behold the Lamb of God (John1:29)
by Jeff Enns – with piano and/or organ and/or strings

– Gloria – Full Conductor’s Score – (voices, strings, organ) – $20
–Gloria – instrumental parts sent via PDF files – $5 each. (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
(Two organ options: Organ 1 – which supplements the strings. Organ II – for performance without strings)
God be in My Head
by Jeff Enns
And in my understanding;
God be in mine eyes,
And in my looking;
God be in my mouth,
And in my speaking;
God be in my heart,
And in my thinking;
God be at mine end,
And at my departing.
I Lost My Talk
by Jeff Enns, poem by Rita Joe
Devastating: both the text and the music. The National Youth Choir of Canada has this in their repertoire. First Nations woman, Rita Joe, attended a residential school as a youth. Looking back, she reveals her pain in a subtle and beautiful way.
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
by Jeff Enns

A new setting of the timeless lyrics. Listen to an exquisite rendition of this piece by the Elektra Women’s Choir while you study the score.
by Jeff Enns
SATB a cappella – KH 059 – duration 2:25
But yesternight we laughed to view
the stars that sail in seas of blue.
Today we wake ’neath greyer skies
to look on life with different eyes.
Alas! how many stars are set
for which we’re longing – watching yet
O useless hope! O eyes that burn!
The stars you love will not return.
E. Pauline Johnson (1861 – 1913)
Like as the Hart
by Jeff Enns
SATB with organ or piano – KH 060 – duration 2:55
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks
so longeth my soul after thee, O God
My soul thirsts for the living God
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks
so longeth my soul after thee, O God
by Jeff Enns
Rich harmonic sonorities permeate this piece – painting the poem by Phineas Fletcher (1582–1650). The music – with intuitive voice leading – is approachable for most mixed choirs. Very fine groups have already performed Litany – including DaCapo Chamber Choir and the Canadian Chamber Choir. Appropriate for the church or the concert stage
O Magnum Mysterium
by Jeff Enns

O great mystery, and wonderful sacrament,
that animals should see the newborn Lord, lying in a manger!
Listen to the exquisite rendition by one of Canada’s finest choirs: the Canadian Chamber Choir
O Taste and See
by Jeff Enns
SATB with organ or piano – KH 081 – duration 1:55
The text guides the music for Enns’ writing in this 4-part choral piece that could be used for introit to the service, for communion, or for All Saints Sunday. A very accessible and smartly-crafted piece for the church choir, using this text from Psalm 34.
O taste and see
how gracious the Lord is
Pont Mirabeau, Le
by Jeff Enns

Guillaume Apollinaire’s bittersweet poem was an inspiration to Jeff Enns. The author looks over the railing and thinks “loves flows away like water under this bridge.” Jeff specializes in big fat chords. A good choir would love creating these gorgeous sonorities.
She’s Like the Swallow
arr. Jeff Enns

This timeless Canadian folk song is arranged for advanced choirs. Full lush chords bring the text to life.
This composition was chosen to be the first entry into the Canadian Chamber Choir Series.
Song of the Land
arr. Jeff Enns

SSA with piano – CP 1634
Several song writers created this wonderful song: Brown, Emerson and Morrison. Susan Aglukark brought it all to life and popularity with her spirited recording. Now Jeff has created a setting that will be meaningful and great fun for any choir.