Home 9 Composers 9 ANDREW ZINCK

Dr. Andrew Zinck (b. 1965) teaches at the University of Prince Edward Island.  As the department’s resident musicologist, he has a wide range of teaching responsibilities encompassing a broad spectrum of historical and theoretical areas: music history from the Middle Ages to modern times, post-tonal theory, Canadian music, advanced topics in music history, form and analysis, film music, musical theatre, and popular music.

Agnus Dei

by Andrew Zinck 

SATB    –    CP 1240   – 5:05
This well crafted composition was premiered by the Vancouver Chamber Choir (Canada’s “jewel in the crown of choral music”). Long lines, undulating dissonances and exquisite resolutions mark this piece as a most worthy vehicle for the ancient text; “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”.