Home 9 Composers 9 Allison Girvan

Allison Girvan (b. 1967) has had experience as a professional choral singer, soloist, and director. She has been a featured soloist on recordings and in performance with ensembles including musica intima, Elektra Women’s Choir, The Vancouver Chamber Choir, the CBC Vancouver Orchestra, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Allison now lives in Nelson, B.C., where she continues to record for TV and feature films. She directs the four choirs in the nelson Youth Choir program, as well as the a cappella women’s ensemble, Shenango.

V'la L'Bon Vent

arr. Allison Girvan

SSAA    –  CP 1105    – 2:30   
SATB    –  CP 1235
This classic French Canadian Folksong, is over 300 years old, and was sung by the Voyageurs and Coureur du Bois (pioneers) as they worked. Snappy rhythms and an unforgettable melody makes this piece stand apart.