Jared Tomlinson is the composer of a number of award-winning and published choral works. Most notably, his Mass of St. Mary Magdalene was the winning entry in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene’s international competition for a new choral setting of the Mass, held in celebration of the historic Toronto parish’s 125th anniversary, and his How sweet the moonlight sleeps was commissioned by Pax Christi Chorale for its 2014–2015 season.
How Sweet the Moonlight Sleeps
by Jared Tomlinson
SATB a cappella – KH 045 – duration 2:45
How sweet the moonlight sleeps,
sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music,
music creep in our ears.
Irish Blessing
by Jared Tomlinson
SAB with piano – KH 055 – duration 3:35
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
Mass of St. Mary Magdalene
by Jared Tomlinson
SATB a cappella and with piano/organ – CP 1292 – duration 6:00
The Mass of St. Mary Magdalene was the winning entry in Toronto’s historic Church of St. Mary Magdalene’s competition for a new choral setting of the Mass, held in celebration of their 125th anniversary. Jared’s writing shows the influence of Healey Willan and Stephanie Martin (both were music ministers at St. Mary Magdalene) – with long lyrical undulating phrases. With five short movements, this beautiful and functional Mass can be easily learned and presented by skilled amateur choirs in the sanctuary or the concert hall.
Kyrie – a cappella four parts – 1:30
Gloria – unison with piano or organ – :40 (optional congregational)
Credo – unison with piano or organ – :40 (optional congregational)
Sanctus and Benedictus – a cappella four parts – 1:40
Agnus Dei – a cappella four parts – 1:20